Me & My CPTS

My Personal CPTS Management Tool List.

 My name is Shy Keenan and I have managed severe Civilian Post Traumatic Stress now for almost all of my life. I’m developing this page, so do pop back for updates. There will be links to products I use or recommend, that help me manage my Civilian Post Traumatic Stress or CPTS.

They’ll also be some links to other peoples products I’d like to see into developed ‘CPTS bespoke’ versions of …

Before we get started, must make a few things clear ..and there are some rules.

1/ CPTS CAN KILL! No one patient is the same, there is no ‘one glove fits all’. It is, in my opinion, first and foremost ‘a medical condition’ that can, if not properly treated, trigger and exacerbate life-threatening medical and mental health conditions.

2/ I’m a patient NOT a Doctor ..who is the only person who should be diagnosing/establishing/managing/changing your CPTS treatment, ever.

3/ I manage my CPTS medical condition with the support of my NHS medical professional care team.

a/ I develop my own (drug-free) CPTS management tools.

b/ I work with product makers to develop CPTS friendly versions of their products, to what are in fact ..millions of CPTS managers …

c/ I work to help educate the NHS on what really helps our Civilian CPTS kind.

4/ Free is always warmly welcome, however, there can be no sponsor on this page. This page is only for what I know works specifically for me and my CPTS.

That said, whilst we are all very different, we do have some things in common and I want to use this page to share (with others like me) information about ‘what really helps’ me to manage my CPTS.


Below are some pics & links for products I wish could be prescribed instead of drugs and other products that have turned out to be must have CPTS management tools …

 Shapemaster’s daily ‘Power Assisted Exercise’

 Foscam allows you to see and speak to whoever is at your door before you open it.

Would love to see these Orrbs in every public building and NHS prescribed these to our CPTS kind. 

My PTSD needs sunshine, even when the sun doesn’t shine.

sad banner

Kitchen Garden – I use ‘Weapons Of Mass Distraction’ to help me manage my PTSD.ptsdgarden

I use many ‘Weapons Of Mass Distraction’ to help me manage my PTSD, like art.


About my PTSD Mobility.kubi2

My PTSD likes to know who is on the phone before I answer it.


An Aroma Diffuser helps me manage what my PTSD can smell.

diffWhen my PTSD needs me to control my body temperature fast.


Music – More brilliant ‘Weapons Of Mass Distraction’ to help me manage my PTSD.


My PTSD fully supports Civilian PTSD Service Dogs.

CPTSD dogsFor when my PTSD needs me to manage what I see & hear.


The future of managing what my PTSD can see & hear.


My hyper sensitive PTSD skin doesn’t like ‘on skin’ products or mossy bites, so I use the products from the Linked Supply team.


